COVID19 Update 2025

For the safety of both myself and all of you, here are some guidances for when you decide to book an appointment:
  • I will be sending you a text reminder the day before treatment, but if you or myself, experience any COVID19 symptoms like cough, fever, sore throat, headache or flu like signs, please cancel the session and rebook when feeling better
  • You need to text me back confirming that you do not have any cold or flu symptoms
  • Once you get in the room, please use the available gel sanitiser for your hands
  • Next to the chair, there will be a box where you can put all your clothing and valuables.
  • I will no longer be wearing a mask, but if you prefer, let me know and we can both wear it
  • The massage couch will be wiped down with antibacterial wipes before use and the pillows and face cushion have been replaced with wipeable surface ones.
  • I will provide a blanket to cover, but bring your own towel/ blanket to cover with, if you prefer

In2 Health

In2 Health has been working since 2005 to provide high quality treatments at reasonable prices troughout London. ​​​​​​​Olga  has developed a range of services aimed at helping each person to change their lifestyle and to encourage health & well being,  so we can help you towards improving your health and how to maintain it.

Chinese Herbs

Chinese Herbal Medicine aims to understand and treat the many ways in which the fundamental balance and harmony of a person’s health and vitality may be depleted or blocked.

Prescriptions of herbs are used to correct the patterns of disharmony that form in the body. Most prescriptions consist of between six and twelve herbs, which are selected for each patient upon their specific diagnosis in Chinese Herbal Medicine terms. In the UK, Chinese Herbals practitioners use only plant herbs as animal and/or minerals products are banned. Chinese Herbs are effective with skin disorders, menopause, anaemia, endometriosis, chronic fatigue, fibroids and asthma.


Acupuncture is a branch of Chinese Medicine that involves ​​inserting fine stainless steel disposable needles into specific points on the body to rebalance it and to treat and prevent diseases.

The aim is to correct imbalances in the body and to stimulate the body’s own healing response. Acupuncture is used to treat a wide range of common ailments, relieve pain and promote general health. Acupuncture is beneficial for back and knee pain, menstrual problems, fertility, stress, insomnia, depression & anxiety, migraines and digestive problems.


Tuina Massage is a type of acupressure massage that involves various applied manual pressures that remove blockages along the body and stimulate the flow of energy and blood to promote healing. 

Similar to principles of acupuncture but without needles, ​​​for people who do not wish to have acupuncture. Tuina uses techniques to stimulate parts of the body points to correct physiological imbalances of the body. The massage-like techniques range from light stroking to deep-tissue work which should not be considered during a recreational or relaxing massage. Tuina are ideal for musculo-skeletal and joint problems, chronic pain, and for people who do not wish to have acupuncture and wish to be clothed throughout the treatment.


Reflexology is a form of massage that uses pressure points, called ‘reflex points’ in specific areas of the feet or hands.

These reflex points correspond to organs and structures in the body; so by treating the feet or hands, a Reflexologist treats the whole body. Reflexology corrects blockages in the body by treating the corresponding reflex points in certain areas of the foot. These blockages induce a sense of malaise in the person and could develop into illness if not cleared. Reflexology is mostly used for labour pain, to regulate the menstrual cycle, to relieve stress and during cancer treatments.

Yoga & Pilates

We run classes of Hatha Yoga as well as Pilates. Both Yoga and Pilates work on strengthening the core and we teach both classes on the mat for All Levels of fitness and abilities with various levels for the same poses. Yoga & Pilates work on mind and body, to create a healthy balance between the two.

Yoga uses long breaths while you hold different poses (asanas)  to strengthen the body and to activate your ‘rest and digest’ nervous system as well as keeping the body supple. 
Pilates works mainly on strengthening the core as well as other joints so that the body can keep a good alignment and posture and prevent illness.
People can start with  Pilates and then progress to Yoga when stronger.


Nutrition is the science that deals with all the nutrients of which food​​
is composed.
The nutritional depend on age, sex, height, weight, degree
of activity and rate of growth.

Good nutrition requires a satisfactory diet that is capable of supporting the individual consuming it, keeping the body in good health by providing the desired nutrients in required amounts. It must provide the right amount of fuel to execute normal physical activity. If the total amount of nutrients provided in the diet is insufficient or excessive, a state of under nutrition or obesity will develop. Nutrition also looks at food allergens and how they can affect the body by causing autoimmune or leaky guts problems.

Free From Chef- Recipes Blog

We now run a Recipe Blog, called FreeFromChef, based on gluten, sugar and dairy free recipes, as well as paleo, vegan and ketogenic recipes.
This blog was created to help out everybody out there that for health reasons has to follow a specific diet.
The recipes have both sweet and savoury dishes and you can also purchase any item you don’t have directly from the recipe.
You can also follow the blog on Instagram, Twitter  and Facebook by clicking below:


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